Thursday, June 23, 2005

supreme court: eminent domain is a-ok

the supreme court ruled today that local governments have the right to seize private property to make way for economic development. this means that your elected officials can invoke eminent domain to throw you out of your home, even if you've owned it for years like some of the people forced to unass to make room for northeast mall's parking lot a few years back did. residents of the "trinity-lancaster corridor" should be forewarned: the next sound you hear may be bulldozers. (anybody remember the 7th street theatre? yeah, i thought so.)

thanks, matt, for yet another disturbing piece of news.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All five liberal judges voted for the private use of eminent domain even though the constitution expressley says for public use only. All four consevative judges voted against it. This ruling rewards "Big Government" and "Big Buisness" the former of which we already knew liberals were for, the latter of which conservatives knew liberals were for and which liberals should NOW know that liberals are for. It was the Conservative judges that voted to protect the little people in New London against this unconstitutional use of eminent domain. But Hey.... NOW it IS constitutional, all so that New London could raise more taxes from this wealthy new development. More Taxes..... Liberal's core value.

Everyone please read George Will's Washington Post column on the net concerning this. I first read about this story months ago in a previous GW.

Anyone remember Sardine's battle against eminent domain. I love Johnny Case's piano playing but I don't agree with his politics. Hey Johnny - those are your guy's up there in black robes who just screwed the Sardines' of the world.

9:59 PM  

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